Pliez légèrement les genoux avant de swinguer.
Slightly bend your knees before swinging.
Slightly bend your knees before swinging.
Votre stance doit être stable et équilibré pour un putting précis.
Your stance must be stable and balanced for accurate putting.
Your stance must be stable and balanced for accurate putting.
Placez la balle sur le tee correctement.
Place the ball correctly on the tee.
Place the ball correctly on the tee.
Gardez vos poignets souples pour plus de contrôle.
Keep your wrists relaxed for more control.
Keep your wrists relaxed for more control.
Lisez bien les pentes sur le green avant de putter.
Read the slopes on the green well before putting.
Read the slopes on the green well before putting.
Vous allez positionner vos pieds bien à plat.
You will position your feet flat.
You will position your feet flat.
Gardez votre swing de putting fluide et rythmé.
Keep your putting swing smooth and rhythmic.
Keep your putting swing smooth and rhythmic.
Votre posture était stable, continuez ainsi.
Your posture was stable, keep it that way.
Your posture was stable, keep it that way.
Choisissez le bon club pour chaque coup.
Choose the right club for each shot.
Choose the right club for each shot.
Alignez vos épaules avec la cible, vous serez plus précis.
Align your shoulders with the target, you will be more accurate.
Align your shoulders with the target, you will be more accurate.
N'oubliez pas de remplir votre feuille de score.
Don't forget to fill out your scorecard.
Don't forget to fill out your scorecard.
Salut ! Aujourd'hui, nous allons perfectionner vos techniques de drive.
Hi! Today, we are going to perfect your driving techniques.
Hi! Today, we are going to perfect your driving techniques.
Sur une pente ascendante, frappez la balle un peu plus fort.
On an uphill slope, hit the ball a bit harder.
On an uphill slope, hit the ball a bit harder.
Retrouvons-nous au club-house après la partie.
Let's meet at the clubhouse after the game.
Let's meet at the clubhouse after the game.
Votre swing doit être fluide pour un coup optimal.
Your swing should be smooth for an optimal shot.
Your swing should be smooth for an optimal shot.
Tendez les bras sans les raidir.
Stretch your arms without stiffening them.
Stretch your arms without stiffening them.
Adoptez une posture confiante.
Adopt a confident posture.
Adopt a confident posture.
Fléchissez les genoux pour plus de stabilité.
Bend your knees for more stability.
Bend your knees for more stability.
Vous sentirez le mouvement dans vos hanches.
You will feel the movement in your hips.
You will feel the movement in your hips.
Il pivote sur ses chevilles pour plus de fluidité.
He pivots on his ankles for more fluidity.
He pivots on his ankles for more fluidity.
Placez vos mains correctement sur le grip.
Place your hands correctly on the grip.
Place your hands correctly on the grip.
Laissez vos épaules guider le mouvement.
Let your shoulders guide the movement.
Let your shoulders guide the movement.